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Create Additional Languages

Paligo has a range of available languages that you can activate as required. If you need a language or a dialect that is not included in the menu, you can add it manually, although these would need to comply with the ISO language codes (two-letter or four-letter codes).

Language box shows the language has been added to your Paligo instance.
Chinese (simplified) language box has ZH-CHS as the code.

To the left - a two-letter code. To the right - a four-letter code.

By default, Paligo uses a two-letter code for the language (shown in the top-right corner of the language box). To use a four-letter code, you have to create an additional language. Four-letter codes are used to distinguish different dialects of a language.

Chinese (simplified) language box has ZH-CHS as the code.
Chinese (traditional) language box has ZH-CHT as the code.

Four-letter codes are used to distinguish different dialects of a language. Above are two dialects of Chinese.


Paligo strongly recommends that you add or activate a language for every dialect that you need for your content.

If you are going to translate to American English and British English, then you should create and activate English-US (en-us) and English-GB (en-gb), as these are two different dialects of the same language. Otherwise, you will only have a generic English with one translation for it.

To create an additional language:

  1. Log in to Paligo via a user account that has administrator permissions.

  2. Select the avatar in the top-right corner. User avatar. It shows the user's image and their name. Next to the name is a downward pointing arrow, which when selected, reveals a menu.

  3. Select Settings from the menu. Cog icon.

  4. Select the Languages tab.

  5. Select Activate language in the upper right corner. New_Layout.jpg

  6. Select Create New in the lower left corner.

  7. Enter a Language name that will be visible in the Paligo interface.

  8. Enter the Language name (native).

    For example, if you are adding en-gb, you could enter British English.

  9. Enter the Language code that matches the language code used in your Translation Memory System.

    There are many online resources for finding ISO codes, so we recommend that you use a search engine to find the code you need or ask your translation agency.

  10. Define if the Language is right-to-left with the checkbox.

    • Check the box if the new language or dialect is a right-to-left language, such as Hebrew or Arabic.

    • Clear the box if the new language or dialect is a left-to-right language, such as British English.

  11. Enter an Alternative language code if your translation provider requires the use of another code than the entered language code.

    For example, if you have entered a two-letter code, but the translation provider wants you to use a four-letter code. Paligo does not recommend the use of alternative language codes. Instead, use the four-letter code as language code.

  12. Select Insert to add it to the Languages tab.

    The next step is to enable it, see Enable or Disable a Language.