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Mit Sicherungscode anmelden

[en] When you first set up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Paligo user account, Paligo provides you with a backup code. You can use this backup code to reset 2FA on your account, for example, to switch from mobile device 2FA to email 2FA. This is especially useful if you need to sign in but cannot access your device, e.g. if your phone has been lost or stolen.


[en] If you do not have access to your backup code, contact a Paligo administrator and ask them to reset 2FA on your account.

So melden Sie sich mit dem Sicherungscode an:

  1. Navigieren Sie zu Ihrer Paligo-Instanz und geben Sie wie gewohnt Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihr Passwort ein.

  2. [en] On the Please verify your identity panel, select the Use backup code link.

    Please verify your identity panel. It has a field for a verification code, a checkbox for remembering the device for 30 days, and a verify button. At the bottom is a Use backup code hyperlink. A callout arrow points at the hyperlink.
  3. [en] Enter your backup code and select Continue.

    Backup code panel. There is a field for entering your backup code. Below it, there is a continue button.
  4. [en] Choose the type of 2FA you want and select Continue:

    Setup two-factor authentication panel. It has options for mobile app authentication, email, and a continue button.
    • [en] Mobile app authentication if you have access to a phone or other device with an authentication app.

    • [en] Email if you don't have access to a device with an authentication app.

  5. [en] Follow the same steps as when setting up 2FA for the first time. For instructions, see: