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Lock Icon on Folder or Component


What does the lock icon mean on a folder or component?

If you see the lock icon next to the name of a folder or a component (such as a topic or publication), it means you need permission to edit.

  • If you have permission to edit, you will be able to make changes to the folder/component or delete it.

  • If you do not have permissions, you will only be able to view the folder/component.

The lock icon is shown next to the name of the folder/component in the Content Manager ...

Close up of a folder with two topics in the Content Manager. The folder and the topics have a small padlock icon next to their names to show they have permissions set.

... and also next to the folder/component in the Resource View (shown when you select a folder).

Close up of a folder with two topics in the Resource view. The folder and the topics have a small padlock icon next to their names to show they have permissions set.

Paligo will not allow you to make changes to a folder/component that you do not have permission to edit. If you try that, Paligo presents an "Access restricted" notification advising you to request editing permissions from the author/owner. For example, here is the notification for a folder that a user is unable to rename:

An Access restricted notification. It has a warning icon and a message telling the user that editing is restricted plus a list of the folders, publications and topics affected.