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Image File Names in HTML Output

When you publish HTML content in Paligo, any images in the output are given a file name. The file name can be either:

  • A unique ID that is based on the UUID of the image. This file name remains the same every time you publish and is known as a "persistent" file name.

  • A unique ID that is automatically generated by Paligo each time you publish. This file name will be different each time you publish.

In most cases, the "persistent" file name is preferable, especially if you use GitHub or similar for version control. For example, let's say that you have a publication with 200 topics and they all contain images. You publish the publication several times, without changing the content at all. Each time you publish, it is going to appear that all 200 topics and all the images have changed, because all of the images have had new file names generated. But if you had "persistent" file names, there would be no updates, which is correct.

However, if you have a particular need for the image file names to change each time you publish, you can disable "persistent" file names.

To enable or disable "persistent" file names, use the Display System Settings.


The reason that we use IDs for file names is that the IDs are unique and are supported for translations, imports, exports, etc. If we only used regular text file names, there could be problems with special characters not being recognized by other systems, or multiple files all having the same file name.