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Get Notifications About Comments

You can set Paligo to send you an update notification when there is a new comment or when you are "mentioned" in a comment. The notification is sent to you via email, using the address that is associated with your Paligo user account.

To set comment notifications:

  1. Select the menu icon in the top corner of the comments sidebar.

    Comments section. A callout box highlights the menu in the top-right corner.
  2. Use the Comment Notifications options to set your preference:

    • Mentions only - you will only receive a notification email when your username is mentioned in a comment.

    • All comments - you will receive an email each time there is a comment on this topic.

      If you choose All comments, you are "following" the comments. Paligo will send you a notification either immediately or at a regular interval, and you can control this by setting the notification frequency in your user profile. You can change the frequency if required, see My Profile.

    Comments menu has options for archiving and restoring comments