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Find Taxonomies with Resource View

The Resource View provides a quick way to find out what taxonomy tags are used by the topics and publications in a particular folder. If the selected folder contains subfolders, those are also shown in the Resource View. You can view the taxonomy tags for those subfolders by selecting the folder in the list. The results list then refreshes so that it shows the topics in the sub-folder.

To display the Resource View and see what taxonomies are used:


To find out which taxonomies are in place for images, select Media in the Content Manager.

  1. Select the folder containing the content in Content Manager. Folder_small.jpg

    If the content is not in a folder, select the top-level folder Documents. Document_folder_small.png


    This will open the Resource View.

  2. Look at the Taxonomies column. It shows which taxonomy tags are associated with the various resources in the selected folder.

    Search results for "Search from here" taxonomy feature. Results are shown as a list of topics. The list has columns of information for each topic, including its taxonomy tags.


Alternatively, you could perform a search and set the folder as one of the search criteria, see Advanced Search.