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General Software Elements

Even if you are not documenting much code, if you document software you'll often have to refer to parts of the software product, such as UI components, file names, tags, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Here are some common elements to use:

Example 1. UI components

The easiest way to refer to UI components (buttons, menus, toolbars, etc) is to use one element as a generic UI element: guilabel. Here's an example:

Click on the Ok button.

Since this is so common (and recommended practice instead of using bold or italic for such terms), there is also a keyboard shortcut for it: AltG.

If you want to be more granular, you can use very specific elements instead, using guilabel only for labels, guibutton for buttons, guimenu and its sub elements for menus, etc.

Another common need is to write file names and paths, and for this you have the element filename.

Example 2. Keyboard shortcuts

To write keyboard shortcuts properly, and give you the option for how to style them now or change it later, or use different styling for different outputs, use the keycap element:

Hit AltK to add a keycap element.

As you can see, this element can be styled, and here it is styled as keyboard keys, and as the example shows this element has a keyboard shortcut itself for convenience.

If you want, you can use it separately, or in combination with the keycombo element. If keycap elements are wrapped in a keycombo element, by default it will output a "+" symbol between the keys (which can be customized in stylesheets if needed).