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[en] Add an Index Title

[en] When you add an index element to a topic, it does not include an index title. If you want to add an index title, you can either:

  • [en] Add the title element inside the index element

  • [en] Set Paligo to automatically generate an index title for you, when you publish.

    [en] If you want an automatic index title, see Automatischen Indextitel für PDF aktivieren . For HTML5 outputs, an index title is included by default - if you have added a title manually, Paligo will use that. Otherwise, it will create an automatic title for you.


    [en] The index title is shown in HTML5 outputs by default. But you can hide it by using CSS (see Indextitel für HTML5-Ausgaben ausblenden).

[en] To add your own index title to a topic:

  1. [en] Open the index topic in the Paligo editor.

  2. [en] Select the index element.

    A topic with a title set to "Index" and below that, it contains an index element.
  3. [en] Use the element context menu to add the the title element.

  4. [en] Enter the text for your index title inside the title element.

  5. Drücken Sie Speichern. Save icon.