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Style the Progress Indicator

If a quiz renders the questions one by one, a progress indicator is shown in the upper left corner of the slide. By default, the progress indicator is shown in a language-neutral way (1 / 3).


This instruction shows how to override the default setting with a textual content (Question 1 of 3) for English and Swedish. You can add more or other language variants to the CSS, if using other languages than Swedish and English.

  1. Add the following code to the CSS:

    html[lang='en'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-current:before {
        content : 'Question ';
    html[lang='en'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-divider:before {
        content: ' of ';
    html[lang='en'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-max:after {
        content: ' : ';
    html[lang='sv'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-current:before {
        content : 'Fråga ';
    html[lang='sv'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-divider:before {
        content: ' av ';
    html[lang='sv'] #quiz .quiz-progress .progress-max:after {
        content: ' : ';
  2. This will update the progress bar to show:

    • English: "Question 1 of 3"

    • Swedish: "Fråga 1 av 3"

  3. Save your CSS.

  4. Upload Customized CSS.