[en] How Cross-References Resolve when Published
[en] Paligo processes the cross-references in your content during the publishing process. It resolves the cross-reference links as described in the sections below.
[en] Cross-references to forks in a publication
[en] Paligo resolves cross-references that link to a fork in a publication's structure like this:
[en] Does the fork exist in the publication you are publishing?
[en] Yes - The cross-reference goes to the topic that is associated with the fork. If the topic appears more than once in the publication, the cross-reference goes to the specific fork that was referenced.
[en] No - The cross-reference is unresolved.
[en] If cross-reference is going to the wrong instance of a topic, it is likely that the cross-reference targets the topic rather than the fork. For details, see [en] Cross-reference Links to Wrong Instance of Topic.
[en] Cross-references to topics
[en] Paligo resolves cross-references that link directly to a topic like this:
[en] Does the topic exist in the publication you are publishing?
[en] Yes - The cross-reference goes to the topic. Note that if the topic is reused multiple times in the publication, the cross-reference will go to the first instance of the topic. To target a different instance, use a cross-reference that targets the fork instead of the topic (see Querverweis zum Topic hinzufügen).
[en] No - The cross-reference is unresolved.